God's Prince and Princesses

God's Prince and Princesses

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Well it's about time!!!!

I just want to say a little about the new Immigration Law. First I would like to say IT IS ABOUT TIME!!!!
Many people, including my husband at times, feel I have no compassion for these people. It has nothing to do with compassion. This is where my opinion comes from.
If you broke our rules to be here why would you obey our rules while you are here??? Of course you wouldn't. I am sick of knowing my taxes are going to pay for someones hospital fees or food that broke the rules to be here. There are thousands of homeless children out there with no parents to take care of them. I would like my money to go there!!! Not to pay for someone that is getting state money for necessities but has fake nails, a nice car and a nice clothes. What is that???
Anyhow, I could write a book but I just want people to understand that when people support the new law it is not because we are racist, compassionless, mean hearted or any other weird and unfair things it is because we believe every man, woman and child should live by the rules, work hard for their life and do good to others not bad and not living off others.


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