God's Prince and Princesses

God's Prince and Princesses

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Girl's Christmas Aprons

The girls insisted I make them a Christmas apron also after seeing mine. I have to say they were much easier to make then mine was. Emily helped me start dinner for tonight and wore her apron. It was really cute.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Christmas Apron

I decided on Thanksgiving that I needed to have a christmas apron and so yesterday I set out to do just that. Here is my end result. I have to say I am pretty pleased with the out come especially since I had no pattern to follow. Now let the holiday baking and decorating begin :)

Saturday, November 6, 2010

We had a photographer come to our house the other day to take pictures of Adelynn and the kids. She just posted this picture on her site (megrobbinsphotography.blogspot.com) of Adelynn. Isn't it the cutest!!!!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Elivs and Marilyn

Monday, October 4, 2010

This morning as I walked through the babies room I saw her clothes hanging up in her closet and I imagined dressing her. Right then I realized for the first time I am completely ready for Adelynn to join our family. What a great feeling! I am not scared of how I am going to manage incorperating her into our family anymore. I know I can do it and everything will be fine. So come on Adelynn we are ready anytime you are. Love you honey and I can't wait to hold you and love on you.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Finished Autumn Wreath and Names

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Busy Family Day

We had a really fun day together. The girls had their first big Girl Scout event down in Phoenix yesterday. It was a Teddy Bear Picnic. They listened to stories, made crafts and had a picnic. Dave and I took Tyler to IKEA and he got to walk around and play in the kids furniture area.
Pretty Girls !

Craft Time

Daisy Friends

Closing Ceremony
After the Picnic we headed back to Globe for Faith Anne's first soccer game. They are really good and it was so much fun to watch them all play and get into the game.

Faith Anne with her friends Belinda.

Faith Anne ready to Play.

This picture is blurry but I thought is was cute how the two defenders kicked at the same time as the ball passes them both by.
Tonight we are camping out in our backyard. Well, actually, Dave and the kids will be sleeping in the tent and Mommy will be sleeping in my comfy bed. I'll be there for the rest though :) I love Dave's long weekends!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Pinals Autumn Craft Day

Today for homeschool we took a trip to the Pinal Mountains and had a picnic and a hike. We discussed how the trees were different at the top of the mountain and why. Why the leaves change color and why the pinecones, acorns and leaves fall off the trees and how this helps nature prepare for Winter. The kids were so excited when they would find a good autumn leaf or an acorn. When we got home with our Autumn collections we made autumn patterns out of the items we collected and then made Autumn wreaths. We had a lot of fun! Have I said lately that I love homeschooling?

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Thursday, April 29, 2010

The things kids say!!!!

So we were riding in the car the other day and Faith Anne says "So Mommy, when I was in your yolk when you were a kid..." I stopped her and said "what?" She repeats "When I was in your yolk when you were a kid. " I said honey people don't have yolks and you weren't in my tummy when I was a kid." So she pauses for a moment and then says " So how did I get in your tummy then?" After I was able to think again and my heart started beating again I said " Well, honey, when God feels you should have a baby He makes you pregnant. But He only does that to grown ups." She said "Oh"

Why at 5 do I have to face these questions??? lol

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Man I'm tired this week!!!!

I am soooo tired this week. Really no reason for it except being pregnant. I had such good energy the past few weeks and now none.

With that though I have gotten one coat of primer on the crib. Just one more and I can paint it! Yay! It's already starting to look pretty. I also found a really neat crib bedding that I like. It isn't the lavender like I had said before but it is really cute. Still I am having reservations because I was really wanting something more girly and shabby chic. We'll see I guess.
Well It is 6:30 and I think the kids are actually asleep. I should head off now too, so I can catch up on some sleep. Hopefully my brain will be quiet long enough so I can fall asleep. God Bless.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Baby Crib update

I set a schedule last night and things went really well today. We were a little behind because I got to sleep to 8:00 thins morning ( praise God!!!) But we were able to get all accomplished.
I've finish sanding the crib and put wood filler in a few spots. Tomrrow I will sand the wood filler areas and make sure there isn't any touch ups need and then it's on to choosing what color to paint the crib. Country white? lavender? light sage green? So many decisions. Okay dinner is almost done so I should go. God Bless :)

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Well it's about time!!!!

I just want to say a little about the new Immigration Law. First I would like to say IT IS ABOUT TIME!!!!
Many people, including my husband at times, feel I have no compassion for these people. It has nothing to do with compassion. This is where my opinion comes from.
If you broke our rules to be here why would you obey our rules while you are here??? Of course you wouldn't. I am sick of knowing my taxes are going to pay for someones hospital fees or food that broke the rules to be here. There are thousands of homeless children out there with no parents to take care of them. I would like my money to go there!!! Not to pay for someone that is getting state money for necessities but has fake nails, a nice car and a nice clothes. What is that???
Anyhow, I could write a book but I just want people to understand that when people support the new law it is not because we are racist, compassionless, mean hearted or any other weird and unfair things it is because we believe every man, woman and child should live by the rules, work hard for their life and do good to others not bad and not living off others.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

What a day

I have to say today ended much better then it started. It all started last night when I couldn't fall asleep. I think preganancy has given me insomnia. Anyhow, the last I remember it was midnight and my mind was still going. Next thing I know Emi bear was waking me up at 6 telling me she is hungry. Needless to say I woke up grumpy and not happy to be awake. Then as I am making breakfast I think "It's Saturday morning. We should go yard selling and see if we can find any deals on baby stuff." So off we set after breakfast to go yard selling. And did I find baby stuff! I was able to get an exersaucer for $5 and a school desk for $5, a $200 dressing table for the baby for $40 and four little wooden chairs for $ 4 a piece, then I found a crib for $5. The crib will need sanding and paint but it is a beautiful crib. I will post before and after pictures after I am done. I also got an huge corner computer desk and swivel chair for $30.

Through all of our yard selling I was also able to set up a play date for the kids this Wednesday with another Christian home schooling family in town. Which I am really excited about. Their girls and mine really got along well. I have finished my day by putting the computer desk together and all kids falling asleep really easily. Praise God! Now it is time for me to get in bed so I can have the energy to fold laundry and get school ready for the week tomorrow. God bless.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Finally a New post.

Yes, I know it has been just about a year since my last post. I would think it safe to say that is about the same time I joined Facebook. lol. Anyhow my best friend Rachel will be very surprised and happy that I am finally posting again.

So much has happened in the past year that it is too overwhelming to write so I will be posting only current events.

We are 3 months pregnant!!!!! I feel it is a baby girl and took the itelligender test at 10 weeks and it also said girl. We still have 6 weeks, June 7th, before we find out for sure but my decorating sense has started and I think I have the name. I want to go very frilly, shabby chic, lavender for the nursery. And I have fallen in love with the name Megan Joy. Dave is not so on board but if it is meant to be it will. Also Rachel is 5 months pregnant with a girl and last night after falling in love with Megan I texted her to see what she thought and she said it is similiar to Reagan which is what they had thought of but for some reason we had not discussed it yet. How funny. I think it would be cute to have them grow up together as little girl friends Reagan and Megan. I doubt our husbands will find it as cute :)

We had thought we were through having children. Let me say Dave was definately done and I was praying for more but following my husbands wants, so we at the beginning of the year sold our crib and beautiful dresser and gave away our baby clothes to Salvation Army. A month later we find out we are pregnant. lol. So we are in search for all gently used but new to us stuff.

Anyhow being preggo is pretty much all that has been on my mind. However, we do still have one month left for school and then school is out for the summer. I feel somewhat stressed to make sure we have completed it all even though we are very close to being finished. I love homeschooling my kids. It is amazing to watch them learn and sucha wonderful experience as amother. I can't believe we will have two in school next year!!! Anyhow I am ready to head to bed. God Bless :)