God's Prince and Princesses

God's Prince and Princesses

Saturday, May 24, 2008

What's going on in Tyler's world these days?

Tyler's (age 10 months & 3 weeks)

Interests - Taking things in and out of boxes.

Relationships - He really likes playing with his siters and Riley Greenwall but he is definately a momma's boy.

Favorite Things - Bouncing up and down in his crip, looking out the window by his crib, playing with balls, grabbing his mommy and daddy's mouths, bitting our chins, playing on his piano and taking baths.

Learning Milestones - He is on the verge of walking, he is walking himself along the furniture and to and from different pieces of furniture as long as he can hold onto something. He is saying Da Da, Ba Ba, Dah when he sees the puppies. He puts his arms up to let us know he wants us to hold him, he rubs his face in our chest or on his arm to let us know he's tired and wants a bottle, if he just wants a bottle then he'll generally crawl to his crib to where he last had it, when he's frustrated he moves his lower jaw to the side and kind of out and moans/whines and he bounces or revs his hand when he's excited. He is learning the word no really well although he will cry when you tell him no because he hurt you. He know's who everone in his family is, if you say their name he will look at the. He is trying to start waving. He still crawls on his hands and feet with his butt in the air. He is starting to feed himself. He is wearing 18month to 3T clothes. He is definately going to be a big boy.


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