I have been quite disappointed in how the girls have been acting so self-centered. I know that it is our nature as humans and children. But I have been trying to teach them how to be more like Jesus and to think of others. To my realization in the past few days they have continued to follow the flesh and be extremely selfish and self centered. So I told them through this week they will be expected to do 3 acts of kindness for someone else in our family and we would discuss them in our evening story time. Today was the first day and Emily couldn't remember one act of kindness she did. Which after the day we had I can see that but Faith Anne couldn't remember either any acts of kindness she did today and I knew of one. When we got home today from visiting friends she brought in my purse, her church bag and my bible in from the car. She had not been asked but she new my arms were full from carrying Tyler and that they shouldn't be in the car
I will have to pay more attention tomorrow and see if I can see them doing more. My hope is that the Lord will help them find joy in looking for ways to surprise people with kindness from their hearts. I know that they have sweet hearts, so my job is to help them follow the sweetness in their hearts and not the flesh that wants what it wants right now.
I have the same issue especially with my oldest son. He's a great child but he just has a bit of this attitude. He does reach out to do kind things like my younger son will do. Helping others and such. My son acts somewhat self-centered and it's really annoying.
It's a great idea what you are doing. Keep it up.
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